Microsurgical resection of high flow Cerebral Arteriovenous | 58266

Neurología y Neurorehabilitación


Microsurgical resection of high flow Cerebral Arteriovenous malformations; two case reports

Md Moshiur Rahman

Microsurgical resection of Cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a challenging procedure particularly for high flow type. Embolisation, microsurgery or radiotherapy are the treatment plan. Preoperative planning to control the feeders, arachnoid dissection around the AVM for identification and control of all arterial feeders around the AVM surfaces, lastly control of draining vein is the principal of microsurgery. The goal of surgery is to remove the AVM completely to eliminate the risk of bleeding avoiding neurological deterioration. In this paper we reviewed two cases of high flow Cerebral AVM with successful microsurgical resection without any new deficit. AVMs are tangled lesions which may reroute the blood flow particularly the high flow ones and microsurgical resection is challenging. The natural history of AVM is poorly understood and its management is controversial.